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Youth Champions Urge Peers to Stand Up for the SDGS
Passionate young people are continuously encouraging peers to stand up for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global development milestone to transform the world and Papua New Guinea by 2030. Bronwyn Kili, Lydia Dimokali, and Nathan Garry have been selected as the youth champions for the Global Goals by the United Nations in Papua New Guinea and trying to generate a youth movement towards the goals.

Yesterday three champions organised a workshop for representatives from University of Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, National Capital District Gender Desk, Basketball Federation Papua New Guinea, High Performance Sports, Mission Vibe, and Youth for Change. The lead facilitator, Bronwyn, 19, is a president of the Youth Adolescent Health Club (YAH) and sensitized participants on the importance of SDGs.

“These are the goals which will formulate the country where you will be in your thirties or forties. Do you want a future where current issues such as poverty, hunger, and gender based violence still exist? It is us who need to stand up now to attain better life for ourselves,” urges Bronwyn.

Nathan, 25, who is currently trying to establish a NGO called “Youth for Change” to educate young peers especially living in settlements, says “I believe to develop a nation require more actors than just a government. We need our young peers playing such a role. Let us not wait. It is our future, and it is our country. SDGs is a guiding tool to develop and transform our country better.”

Participants discussed how SDGs are linked to their lives, and how best they can help promote it. They were also encouraged to recognise their influential power, networking capacity and innovative ideas and to think about how they can promote SDGs in their respective schools and communities.

Recognising the critical importance of youth in developing a nation, the United Nations in Papua New Guinea will continue to engage with them in promoting the Goals.
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